CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Type 1), is a change in the nervous system that's usually triggered by a very painful episode. The bad kinds affect the brain, nerves, muscles, skin, metabolism, circulation, and fight-or-flight response. Lucky me; that's what I've got. ... But life is still inherently good (or I don't know when to quit; either way) and, good or not, life still goes on.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moderation... in moderation

I'm usually vigilant about what goes into me because it makes such a difference in what I can put out.

Today, I went up to Heath Fair, the kind of country fair that has pulling contests for everything from bullocks to tractors, first through third prizes for identical piles of potatoes, rare critters no factory farm would make room for (like this 4-horned goat),

... and also henna tattoos, a massage booth, Chinese food options, and extraordinary handicrafts with century-old handtools being used by gnarly-handed, smiling neighbors.

I started the day with a good solid Brain-Food shake, but once we hit the Fair, that was it.

French fries made from fresh local potatoes, fudge made from fresh local milk, coffee with maple syrup from fresh local farmers.

Then we got home and had ice cream and cheese.

I haven't touched a single bit of produce (that didn't have a ribbon on it) since breakfast.

I'm doing okay. Daffy, but okay. A little sore through the elbows, but okay. Not able to soak up any science, but okay. Very glad I didn't have to drive home, but that's okay, too.

We stopped on the way home to catch the closing of the Pow-Wow on the Mohawk Trail, a lovely arty cozy time with friends and their friends. And that was more than okay.

Whipped cream on top: learning that moose have moved down to this area...

As long as I do this wild irrational feasting on weird stuff about once or twice a year (no more), I should be ... okay.

For one thing, it's good to keep your body guessing. (That's why dieters need to have one good belly-filling meal every 2-3 days, so the body doesn't go into famine mode.)

For another, I suspect it does me good to remind myself why I don't eat this stuff normally. Even though my body is handling it like a champion, that's because my usual diligence has created a certain amount of metabolic slack; I can absorb a bit of crap without disaster.

Still no wheat, though. I'm adventurous, but not self-destructive. My lovely hostess, Laurie, indulged me by getting some of the homemade wild blueberry pie and assuring me it was every bit as good as it should be.

While tomorrow brings another day of quantities of greens that could make even Dr. Terry Wahls raise an eyebrow, I'm kind of digging the memory of one day with so much creamy, mouth-melting sweetness. I'm smart enough (finally) to know what'll happen if I keep it up any longer, but I'm old enough to really, truly enjoy my memories just as they are -- without regret, without longing, just with simple pleasure. This is a nice one.


And tomorrow's shake will be just as good as ever. Possibly even better.

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